What is a Documercial?

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Consumers are Craving Authenticity

The future of advertising lies within original branded content. Consumers today are craving authenticity and entertainment at the same time, and what better way to pair the two than through documentary? Documercials are great ways for brands to share their stories with the world while really connecting with their audiences.

What is a Documercial

Simply put, documercials are documentaries sponsored by brands. The story being told is usually closely linked to (or aligns with) the brand’s personality or the overall message of the brand. Each documercial focuses on educating or entertaining its viewers, all within a few minutes (not to say they can’t be longer).

Why Create a Documercial?

The great thing about documercials is that they are a win-win for brands and consumers. From the sponsor's standpoint, this beautiful short film will be passed along on social by word of mouth because people love sharing videos with a strong emotional or entertaining component to them (cheers to creating that viral video you always wanted).

From your audience’s viewpoint, if they enjoy watching your content, they won’t even care that it’s sponsored! They will be happy to be entertained, and the chances that they will remember your message is much higher (another win for you!). For this reason, among others, documercials can be an extremely persuasive form of art.

Read the original blog post here.


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