Types of Video Content People Actually Like Watching

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51% of marketing professionals worldwide say that video is the type of content with the best ROI.

Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs (search engine results pages). 82% of brands report that they consider their previous investment in video either successful or very successful. I could go on, but I think you get it.

So you know your company needs a video. Now what? There are so many different routes you can take, so it’s understandable that you might be feeling overwhelmed with your options. I’ve listed out the different types of video content that your viewers will actually like watching, so you can easily choose any of these depending on your marketing needs. Since videos are not a one-size-fits-all approach, try some of these options out and see what works best for you or your brand.


Explainer videos are great for showing off your expertise and owning your niche. People love getting easy answers to their questions, so if you create a video that’s easy for them to follow and that solves their problem relatively quickly, they will love you for it. Especially if you are trying to sell a product that needs a bit of explaining, tutorials are a great option for you. It’s a win-win for your company and your viewers because you get to show off your brilliance while helping potential customers out.

Behind the Scenes

We are huge fans of using behind the scenes videos. Not only does it organically capture your company culture, but it also lets members of your organization show off their individual personalities. This will remind your viewers that real people back the company, and it’s not all about making money.

behind the scenes

Product Reviews

Are there any products or services that you need to do your job on a daily basis? Perhaps there new products launching in your industry or field that you have access to? Review them! People love hearing experts talk about new products (especially expensive ones) to see if they are worth investing in or if they live up to the hype.

Interviews / Q&As

Interviews are also great for showing off personality and intelligence. Want to introduce new leaders of your organization? Post a Q&A video! These videos are also a great way to answer any FAQs, explain company values or missions, or to help make an important statement seem more personal while addressing a wide audience. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text… so if you have a lot of information you need to cover in a short amount of time, this is the type of video for you.

Narrative / Original Shorts

Do you have more time and resources on your side and want to push creative boundaries? Try making a branded narrative piece or maybe even an original short series. This type of content is a huge hit nowadays because people love being distracted, especially by free, entertaining content. If they like it, there’s a good chance they will share it with others, and WOM is always a good way to convert viewers into customers.

Live Streams

Live video can be intimidating for first-time users but is a really great tool for connecting with an audience in real time. Many influencers use this tool because they can answer questions that people send to them on the spot, really engaging with people on a one-to-one level. This feature is great if your company is launching a new product, wants to show behind the scenes content at an exclusive event, or just simply wants to connect with your audience better.


Vlogs typically incorporate multiple types of content mentioned above. They require more assets to be taken (hello B-roll!), and usually mashup interviews, behind the scenes footage, and sometimes product reviews as well! It’s like a video diary, and if you have interesting things to say, people will watch because 1) it's entertaining and/or 2) they’ll learn something. Look at the most successful vloggers- almost all of them dominate a niche group and develop a strong following because of it. People come back because they are truly interested in what the person hosting has to say. Having influencers or big on-camera personalities create vlogs for your brand can really pay off.

Regardless of what type of branded content you are creating, try to keep in mind what your audience would want to watch. Ask yourself if you would want to watch the content you are putting out, or if you would just scroll past it. Great content is entertaining, engaging, and will leave your viewers with a lasting (positive) impression of your brand, which offers a great return on investment.

Read the original post here.


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