5 Ways to Start Your Next Video

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

People get really hung up on how to start their video, which can make thinking about the rest of the video seem more stressful than it should. If you have creative block, or can’t seem to figure out where to start, keep reading and I’m sure one of these options will help you out!

1. Start by addressing the problem

Start with a problem and provide your audience with a solution. Most of the time we look up how to do things it’s because we have a problem or a question we need help solving. People that are seeking out information want the facts and they want them fast. They don’t want to sit through long introductions or any bs. If you can solve people's problems quickly and through video, they will love you for it.

2. Start boldly

Think about the videos that usually stop you from scrolling on your phone. They probably start with bold, beautiful shots. Or a bunch of quick edits that are hard to look away from. Regardless of the style of video it is, they are taking risks... and because it’s something different than you typically see, you can't get yourself to stop watching. When in doubt, start your video boldly. Don’t save your best shots until the end, try starting with them instead.

3. Start by answering why

Get to the juicy details right away. Don’t hold back the information your audience is seeking because if it takes too long for them to figure it out, they’ll likely look for answers somewhere else. The who, what, when and where can be explained later if needed, but start with why because that’s what people really care about.  

4. Start with your subject

Starting with a subject on camera can be a useful tactic sometimes, especially if the goal of your video is attempting to answer Who? If you need to establish credibility by introducing someone important (CEO, founder, etc.), then getting right to the point with that person speaking can be impactful and speed things up. This tactic is seen a lot in corporate mission videos, explainers, and interviews. However, if it becomes a “talking head” scenario for too long, people will most likely lose interest. So be sure to have some fun and nice looking b-roll to keep the video fast-paced and entertaining.  

5. Start by getting right to the point

With how many photos and videos there are floating around these days, you need to get to your point right away. You have about 10 seconds maximum to capture your audience’s attention (and that’s being generous, it’s realistically more like 3 seconds). Ask yourself what does your audience care about? What do they really want to know? And then answer that as clearly and concisely as possible. People appreciate videos that don’t waste time and get right to the point, so your audience will love you for that.

Regardless of how you start your video, be sure to make it stand out. Take chances. Get those creative juices flowing. Grab the viewer's attention from the get-go. If you do these things, your video will start off in a great place.

View the original blog post here.


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